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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  August 30, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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the most his words had ever imagined the most people listened to those words in his 65 years, it is mitt romney is night live from the republican national convention banks for joining us tonight mr. romney will probably be out i would say in the next 30-35 minutes running a a little bit behind schedule there is a ronni home
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video showing the lighter moments of mr. ronni and his wife. florida is well represented here. the up-and- coming senator from florida will be the one to introduce mitt romney tonight. former florida gov. jeb bush went off script right off the bat defending his brother george w. bush and slamming president barack obama. >> mr. president it is time to stop blaming your predecessors
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for your failed economic policies. you were dealt a tough hand but your policies have not worked. in the fourth year of your presidency a real leader would accept responsibility for his actions and you have not done it. now that i've got that off my chest with talk about our kids into education. >> we also heard from a duel, newt gingrich a brutal appointmentopponent at one point. he had a very very difficult time given up what turned out to be a doomed primary rate even though he was winning and by the way before we go to it it looks like
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clint eastwood as we said has taken the stage. he was in a gm commercial doingduring the super bowl when it apparently looks like an obama political ed. first let's go to former onetime opponent newt gingrich and his wife. >> obama is proud of what he has done but he should be ashamed for putting politics before people. gov romney it will return america to work and to the principles that are the core of president reagan's legacy this year the american people will once again have an important choice to make.
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>> there were some of romney's wanted business friends and people who he has helped his charitable work and business throughout the years. he did it with the help of mr. romney's investment. i had a vision and a business plan that i met mr. romney, he helped make it come alive, mid to was an unusual guy, he already enjoyed great success in companies but he knew the value of a dollar what i told him about stables he got really excited at the idea of saving a few cents on paper clips. >> now what do the delegates think of all of this? >> this is without a doubt as
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you and i both know the biggest night for the party as hold republicans feed off the energy in this room for the next 70 straight days they will need it for the long road ahead. it's been one week of celebration at the gop on display tonight. in a little dancing had a few hogs and lots of pictures be between old friends and new ones. looking back a week filled with republican pried out illinois delegation newly energized about the party, the process and the man that want to see become the next president. it was exciting, tiring, inspiring and i feel like i was a part of history. here we heard terrific speakers with great
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ideas and with their track record of successes implementing those ideas that had a profound impact on me much greater than i expected or anticipated when i came down here. here michelle says that she is engaged her eyes wide open to the fun and the issues. i would have seen this on the tv and moved on. their commitment to our country their leadership to the party
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and the courage to take on the tough issues with such focused determination. this week has been intense. next week begins the breaking down process of the messages that we heard in this room all week in charlotte we will be bringing you mitt romney speech in its entirety very shortly. we will check in with you guys after mitt romney speech but first the chicago teachers union voted on monday september 10th that they will walk off the job if they do not have a deal by then. a strike can be avoided. one week from monday not a lot of time teachers will walk off the job unless they get a contract they say is fair the union is not
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taking every step necessary to send teachers out of the classroom and on to the picket lines. teachers left tonight's meetings with hundreds of tickets signs in both english and spanish. we do not want to strike but apparently the board does because if they didn't we wouldn't be in the situation we are today. cta president karen lewis says the union and school board or at an impasse on job security and links of school days and said that parents should be prepared for teachers to walk off the job one week from monday. we hope that people work out this with their children and think about the things that they do when children are not in school. the
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cbs board says the district has continued to put a plan in place of there's a strike but many students are wondering what will happen to them. >> if we miss any games it will really hurt us. if our priority
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is our kids than strikes should never be an option says jean- claude brizard. parents say it should not have to come down to a strike. if you have students in a building all day they need discipline. how long is this going to last for nobody knows it could go on indefinitely. you can't say it's just for one or two days. they hope a strike can be avoided if there is a compromise the teachers' union house of delegates will vote to cancel the strike and also vote to suspend the deadline passed september 10th negotiations continue tomorrow and wrap up next week and if nothing happens teachers walked off the job one week from monday. still had the drew peterson murder trial winding down. and a sign
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that summer is not done with yet tom skilling says he could see another day in the upper 90s. >> with hotwire's low prices i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l.a. for my best friend's wedding. because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my hotels
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for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ you know what i love about this country? trick question. i love everything about this country! including prilosec otc. you know one pill each morning treats your frequent heartburn so you can enjoy all this great land of ours has to offer like demolition derbies. and drive thru weddings. so if you're one of those people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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testimony and for a bottle from the drew peterson trial wrapping up and the judge said in closing arguments for monday. marcella raymond has covered the trial from day one and has the latest. >> its been a grueling five weeks. >> that's the only thing attorneys agree on. defense attorneys say savio slipped and fell in her tub was knocked out when she had her head and then drowned. not one forensic pathologist in the prosecution even had a theory about what happens in the bathroom let alone an opinion. they cannot say in court but they believe happened because it would be speculation and judge edward promila has warned against it if they could attorneys would tell the jury that he put his
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estranged third wife into a chokehold to lose consciousness then drowned hurt in the bathtub and had her over the head cause anyone inch gash to make it look like an accident. drew held her down and round her. >> but the jury has their testimony from dr. bloom and for the first time today a world- renowned forensic pathologist who has conducted 20,000 autopsies and investigations of the john f. kennedy and martin luther king assassination just to name a few the second one after her body was exhumed in 2007 and he also said she was murdered and the injuries she received could not be caused by a single fault. everyone is still talking about kathleen savio's divorce attorney taking this stand for the defense. he
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mentioned how spacey peterson told her pastor that drew peterson killed his third wife. the chicago police officer and a 15 year-old boy recovering after they were wounded last night in a shootout in the morgan park neighborhood. police say they stopped three teenage boys in the park for suspicious activity after they got a tip about legal gun sales in the area offers say as they approached the teens began to run and then shoot at them however some witnesses say it was police who fired first the officer was shot in the need and the teenager was hurt more
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seriously no word on how she's doing right now. massive flooding in damaged homes with a look at what hurricane is it left behind on the gulf coast and we will take a look at mid to romney's acceptance speech at the republican national convention it's coming soon. the man who will introduce mark rubio. wow. you look delicious today. delicious? honestly. sometimes i think you only like me because i'm an m&m's®. that's not true. baby, what matters to me most is what's on the inside. [ annoyed ] i'm pure milk chocolate on the inside. and i love that about you. and here i thought you loved me for my brain. is that made of chocolate too?!!! gosh you're handsome. ♪ ♪
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excuse us, while we change into something more comfortable. cool.
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introducing, the square sunnyd bottle. i'm done! "are you a cool mom?" i'm gonna find out. [ female announcer ] swiffer wetjet's pads are better than ever. now they have the scrubbing power of mr. clean magic eraser so you don't have to get down on your hands and knees to scrub away tough, dried-on stains. hey, do you guys think i'm "momtacular" or "momtrocious"? ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] swiffer. now with the scrubbing power of mr. clean magic eraser. era detergent once head-butted a tea stain so hard... a cup of tea on the other side of the world felt it. twice the stain fighting power as the next leading liquid value brand. era, the only detergent
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that's chuck norris approved.
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every year we pick a new city to explore. but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪ get in early for sears labor day mattress spectacular. for the first time ever, get 36-month special financing save up to 60% plus get an extra 10% off with free delivery. this is a wakeup call. this is
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emma good evening everybody. we're going to 97 degrees tomorrow even though there will be a late blake of various in the afternoon. the remnants of isaac are barreling northward as we speak tonight. they are moving into southern missouri we could get an isolated thunderstorm in parts of the area particularly the southern suburbs. the extent to which
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isaac moves north beyond that will determine what our labor day weekend is like and it looks like we could bring some pretty substantial rains into part of the area. the amount of rain may drop down considerably. here is a spaghetti plot of how the remnants might move. they are tracking into the midwest and we have some rain on the way. here is an idea of how much rain this system is capable of producing a couple of different computer
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solutions on how much rain will come down. this shows almost 10 in. of rain possible in some areas of central illinois. the other hand here is another model that drives the rain farther north. if this one were to walkwe will come back and tell you how we work this out back to you now. isaac kong over the gulf coast wong than anyone expected bringing several feet of water. residents are just getting back to their homes now to assess the damage. people and animals have been rescued from flooded homes and rooftops in at least one death is blamed
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homeowners are just trying to keep a positive attitude. after katrina it's really not much. if you can survive katrina you can survive anything. this is like water. earlier today authorities from mississippi intentionally breached a strained levy forcing a mandatory evacuation we will be back after this and back to tampa where mitt romney will be giving a speech and we this is the plan that revolves around you. introducing share everything. unlimited talk. unlimited text. tap into a single pool of shareable data and add up to 10 different devices including smartphones and tablets.
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the first plan of its kind. share everything. only from verizon. get $100 off select motorola 4g lte smartphones like the droid razr. [ cellphone rings ] [ female announcer ] with secret outlast, conquer your busy day. ♪ ♪ burn let's do it. come on jenni. ♪ ♪ thank you. [ cellphone rings ] workin on it. ♪ ♪ hi. hi. how are you? [ female announcer ] outlast your day any day. with secret's 48 hour odor protection technology. secret outlast. you do this every morning? it's the only way to get fresh coffee. not in my house! this new flavor lock pack from maxwell house helps seal in freshness. wow! that is fresh! am i still yelling? [ male announcer ] maxwell house flavor lock. always good to the last drop.
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i'm serious, we compare our direct rates side by side to find you a great deal even if it's not with us. [ ding ] oh, that's helpful! well, our company does that, too. actually we invented that. it's like a sauna in here. helping you save even if it's not with us -- now, that's progressive! call or click today. no mas pantalones!
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this labor day weekend come to the kmart end of summer clearance event! save up to 60% off mmer clearance apparel d an additional 50% off clearance footwear for the whole family. plus, save big on home clearance items. this friday through monday... summer is ending but the savings have just begun at kmart! the chicago public library has a new trend tonight thanks to its once in a blue moon amnesty program. today a woman returned a book 78 years overdue. i always wondered how it accumulated how it got to be in my parents possession.
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when i saw it in the paper that it was this amnesty program and that i would be put in jail i called and i returned it. my first reaction was wild. 1934 that's a long time ago to have a book out. that's not the original finding and that's also part of the story. 392nd 454th book that was checked out in the chicago library. it hung around my parents' house for years in years and years the book was always around to look at. and he
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was one of my favorite authors. it was done in 1911 this was 480 copies and our copy is no. 8. it could be worth somewhere between 1000-$2,000 potentially but of course that it's priceless now we will not be putting it up for sale. we have to simple goals with the amnesty program. get the materials back. any item that is overdue its 20¢ per day and up to $10 for the book. i didn't realize that there was a $10 cap i had no idea i would have brought it in a long time ago. the amnesty program runs
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through saturday september 7th. >> thank you very much mitt romney the 65 year-old man born in trump michigan raised in suburban mich. the onetime governor of massachusetts a family in utah is making his way up. the main stage here at the temple form home of a hockey team tonight and home of republican rebirth. in a moment if you keep an eye on the screen he's walking right up right behind him he is in idaho now.
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mitt romney excepting his party's nomination and here we go. he is making his way up towards wisconsin. excepting his party's nomination trying to become the 34th president of the united states of america. you understand the value of this positive force paul ryan the vice-presidential nominee whose folk. lately she has been a
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first up to introduce him so we know she is not afraid of the crowds. he has been criticized and praised for his business and for how much money he playedpaid over his lifetime and how much charitable good he has done with that money. he was not pro-life and now he is. ladies and gentlemen, the republican
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nominee 2012. mitch ronni. >> thankmitt toromney. >> thank you. mr. chairman and delegates... >> [applause] >> i accept your nomination for president of the united states.
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i do so with humility, deeply moved by the trust you have placed in me it's a great honor, it's an even greater responsibility and tonight i am asking you to join me to walk together to a better future and by my side i have chosen a man with a big car from a small town. he represents the best of america, a man who will always make us very proud my friend and america's next vice president, paul ryan.
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>> in the days ahead you are going to get to know paull better but last night america got to see what i saw in paul ryan, a strong and caring leader who is down to earth and confident in the demands and i love the way he lights up around his kids in town he is not embarrassed to show the world how much he loves his mom. but paul, i still like to play less on my ipod better than yours. four years ago i know that many americans felt the fresh excitement about the possibilities of a new president, that choice was not the choice of our party but americans always come together after a elections we are good and generous people, when the
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hard science came down and the tv commercials finally came off the air americans were eager to go back to work, to live our lives the way americans always have optimistic and positive and confident in the future that very optimism is uniquely american it's what brought us to america we are a nation of immigrants with children and grandchildren and great- grandchildren who wanted a better life the ones who will up the night hearing that voice telling them that life could be better if it came not just in pursuit of the richest of this world of for the richness of this life freedom, freedom of religion freedom to speak their minds freedom to build a life in ds freedom to build a business with their own hands. this is
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the essence of the american experience we americans have always felt a special kinship with the future these new americans had many questions but none doubted that here in america they could build a better life but in america their children would be blessed more than any but today four years from the excitement of the last election for the first time the majority of americans now doubt that our children will have a better future it's not what we were promised every family in america wanted this to be a time when they could get ahead and put aside a little more for college and do more for the
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elderly mother that is living alone or give more to their church or charity every small business wanted this to be their best years ever when they could hire more and do more for those that had stuck with them through the hard times. every new college graduate thought it would have a good job by now a place of their own they thought they could start paying back some of their loans in billed for the future. this was the whole band it's not just what we expected, it's what americans deserve.
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>> applause >> you deserve the because during these years you worked harder than ever before you deserved it because when it you cut out moving lights and put in longer hours but when you lost that job you took to jobs $9 an hour. you deserve it because
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your family depended on you and you did it because you are an american and you don't quit, you did it because it's what you had to do the driving home late from that second job or standing there and watching the gas pump at $50 and still going in those moments you knew that this wasn't right but what could you do except work harder do with less tried to stay optimistic maybe spend a little more time praying that tomorrow would be a better day. i wish president obama had succeeded because i want america to succeed but as promises give way to disappointment this isn't something we have to accept now is the moment when we can do
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something and with your help we will do something now is the moment when we can stand up and say i am an american i make my destiny we deserve better my children deserve better my family deserves better, my country deserves better. so here we stand americans have a choice and a decision to make the choice you need to know more about me and where i will be our country i was born in the middle of the century in the middle of the country, it was a time when americans were returning from
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war and eager to work and to be an american was to assume that all things were possible and president kennedy challenged americans to go to the moon the question wasn't whether if we would get there it was only when we would get there. the souls of neil armstrong's boats on the moon may permit impressions on our souls and watched those steps together on her parents sofa like all americans who went to bed that night no one we live in the greatest country in the history of the world. god blessed neil armstrong. tonight
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that american flag is still there on the moon and i don't doubt for a second that neil armstrong spirit is still with us that unique blend of optimism humility and the utter confidence that when the world needs someone to do the really big stuff you need an american. my dad had been born in mexico and his family had to leave during the mexican revolution i grew up with stories of his family being fed by the u.s. government as war refugees, my dad never made it through college and he applied to be an apprentice as a carpenter he convinced my mom a beautiful young actress to give up paul witt and marry him and he moved to detroit and he led a great
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automobile company and became governor of the great state of michigan. we were mormons and growing up in michigan that may have seemed unusual or out of place but i truly don't remember it that way my friends cared more about what church someone went to than what sports they followed. they care deeply about who we would be and much less about what we would do unconditional love is a gift that event and i have passed on to our sons and grandchildren all the laws and legislation in the world will never he'll have heard this world like the love of our mothers and fathers.
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if every child could be wrapped up in that god's love this world would be a far more gentle and better place. my mom and dad were married for 64 years. and if you wondered what their secret was, you could have asked the local florist. because every day dad gave mom a rose which he put on her bedside table that's how she found out what happened on the day my father died, she was looking for him because that morning there was no rose my mom and dad were true partners a life lesson that shaped me by everyday example when my mom ran for this and my dad was there for her every step of the way
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and i could still see her saying in her beautiful voice why should women have any less safe than men about the great decisions facing our nation? don't you wish she could have been here at this convention? as governor of massachusetts i
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chose a woman lieutenant governor a woman chief of staff, half of my cabinet and senior staff for women and in business i mentored and supported great women leaders who went on to run a great companies i grew up in detroit in love with cars and wanted to be a car guy like my dad bought by the time was out of school i realized i had to go out on my own that if i stayed around michigan and the same business i'd never really know if i was getting a break because of my dad i wanted to go someplace and prove myself those were not the easiest of days for many long hours and weekends working five young sons who seem to have this need to reenact a different world war every night but if you ask an anti what we give to break up just one more fight between the boys or wake up at morning and discovered a pile of kids asleep in our room every
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mom and dad knows the answer to that those days were... these were tough days on and particularly she was heroic through it all, five boys with our families along with a way i had to travel a lot for my job then i would call and try to offer support but every mom knows that doesn't help get the homework done or get the kids out the door to school and i knew that her job as a mom was harder than mine and i knew without question that her job as a mom was a lot more important than mine. and as america sought tuesday night and what it had
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succeeded at anything she wanted to do. like a lot of families at a new place with no family we found kinship with a wide circle of friends through our church when we were new to the community it was welcoming and as the years went by it was a joy to help others that had just moved into town or just joined our church we have remarkably vibrant and divers congregations from all walks of life and many who were new to america. our kids played together and we were always ready to help each other out in different ways. we look to our communities our faith in families for our joint and support in good times and bad it was both how we live our lives
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and why we live our lives the strength and power and goodness of america has always been based on the strength and power and goodness of our communities our families in our face. that's the bedrock of what makes america america. in our best days we can feel the vibrancy of america's communities large and small so when we see the new business opening up the downtown, when we go to work in the morning and see everyone on the block doing the same thing is when our son or daughter comes from college talk about which job offer they should take it you tried to choke up when you hear that the one they like best is not too far from home. for too many americans, those kind of good
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days are harder to come by how many days have you woke up feeling that something really special is happening in america many of you felt that way and election day four years ago hopi and change a powerful appeal but tonight i ask a simple question, if you felt that excitement when you voted for president barack obama should you feel that way now that he is president obama? you know there is something wrong with the kind of job he has done as president when the best feeling you had was the day you voted for him. the president hasn't disappointed because he wanted to, the president has disappointed america because and lead america in the right direction, he took office
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without the basic qualification that most americans have and one that was essential to the task at hand, he had almost no experience working at a business jobs to him or about government. are about to i learned the real lessons about how america works from experience and at 37 i started a small company my partners and i had been in the business of helping other businesses so some of us have this idea that if we really believed our device was helping companies we should invest in companies into bed ourselves and our advice so we started a new business called bain capital the only problem was while we believe did ourselves not many other people did. we were young and never did this before and we almost didn't get off the ground
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and in those days sometimes i wonder if i'm a really big mistakewondered if i made a really big mistake. i figured it was bad enough i might lose my investors' money but i didn't want to go to help too. hell to. it shows what i know. another of my party's got the of episcopal church fund to invest and today there are a lot of happy retired priests who should thank him. that business we started with 10 people has now grown into a great american success story some of the companies we helped start our names you know and have heard from tonight, an office company called staples where i am pleased to see the
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obama campaign has been shopping... this sports authority which of course became the favorite of my boys, we have started early childhood learning company called bright horizons that michele obama rightly praised in that time when no one thought they would see a new steel mill built in indiana we took a chance and build one in a cornfield. today steel dynamics is one of the largest steel producers in the united states, these are american success stories. and yet the centerpiece of the president's entire reelection campaign is attacking success is it any wonder that someone who attacks success has led the worst economic recovery since the great depression? how hotin america
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wheat celebrate success, we don't apologize for success. we were not always successful abstain but no one ever is in the real world of business, that's what this president doesn't seem to understand, business and growing jobs is about taking a risk, sometimes failing, sometimes succeeding but always striving, it's about dreams, usually it doesn't work out exactly as you may have imagined. steve jobs was fired at apple and then he came back and changed the world it's the genius of the americas free enterprise system to harness the
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extraordinary creativity and talented and industry of the american people with a system that is dedicated to creating tomorrow's prosperity, not trying to redistribute today's. that's why every president since the great depression who came before the american people asking for a second term could look back at the last four years and say with satisfaction, you are better off than you were four years ago except jimmy carter and except this president.


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